Large-scale Emperor Digital Library and
Semantics-Sensitive Region-Based Retrieval

Ching-Chih Chen
Simmons College

James Z. Wang
The Pennsylvania State University


In recent years, with the advent of fast-speed, broadband telecommunications networks, and information technology research for digital libraries, more and more distributed digital libraries with multimedia information have been developed everywhere in the world. While technologies are available, there is insufficient large-scale and coordi-nated digital content development. Furthermore, state-of-the- art technologies developed in the research labs are rarely used to assist the content development and content analysis. This paper first discusses how the NSF/IDLP Project, Chinese Memory Net has capitalized on the rich multimedia resources in both analog and digital formats of an earlier cultural documentaries products, the award-winning The First Emperor of China videodisc and multimedia CD, to further build large-scale digital contents of significant museum and historical/cultural/heritage materials for productive international collaboration among experts from interdisciplinary fields. The content has been used as a testbed for technology research in the area of semantics-sensitive region-based image retrieval. We demonstrate the use of the SIMPLIcity technology in browsing and retrieving of images.

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Last Modified: May 15 2002
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