Integrating Cell Biology, Image Analysis, and Computational Mechanical Modeling to Analyze the Contributions of Cellulose and Xyloglucan to Stomatal Function

Yue Rui, Hojae Yi, Baris Kandemir, James Z. Wang, Virendra M. Puri, and Charles T. Anderson
The Pennsylvania State University


Cell walls are likely to be essential determinants of the amazing strength and flexibility of the guard cells that surround each stomatal pore in plants, but surprisingly little is known about cell wall composition, organization, and dynamics in guard cells. Recent analyses of cell wall organization and stomatal function in the guard cells of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants with defects in cellulose and xyloglucan have allowed for the development of new hypotheses about the relative contributions of these components to guard cell function. Advanced image analysis methods can allow for the automated detection of key structures, such as microtubules (MTs) and Cellulose Synthesis Complexes (CSCs), in guard cells, to help determine their contributions to stomatal function. A major challenge in the mechanical modeling of dynamic biological structures, such as guard cell walls, is to connect nanoscale features (e.g., wall polymers and their molecular interactions) with cell-scale mechanics; this challenge can be addressed by applying multiscale computational modeling that spans multiple spatial scales and physical attributes for cell walls.

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Citation: Yue Rui, Hojae Yi, Baris Kandemir, James Z. Wang, Virendra M. Puri and Charles T. Anderson, ``Integrating Cell Biology, Image Analysis, and Computational Mechanical Modeling to Analyze the Contributions of Cellulose and Xyloglucan to Stomatal Function,'' Plant Signaling & Behavior, vol. 11, no. 6, e1183086:1-4, 2016.

© 2016 Taylor & Francis. This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Plant Signaling & Behavior on 24/05/2016, available online:

Last Modified: May 26, 2016
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