ACQUINE: Aesthetic Quality Inference Engine - Real-time Automatic Rating of Photo Aesthetics

Ritendra Datta and James Z. Wang
The Pennsylvania State University

We present ACQUINE - Aesthetic Quality Inference Engine, a publicly accessible system which allows users to upload their photographs and have them rated automatically for aesthetic quality. The system integrates a support vector machine based classifier which extracts visual features on the fly and performs real-time classification and prediction. As the first publicly available tool for automatically determining the aesthetic value of an image, this work is a significant first step in recognizing human emotional reaction to visual stimulus. In this paper, we discuss fundamentals behind this system, and some of the challenges faced while creating it. We report statistics generated from over 140,000 images uploaded by Web users. The system is demonstrated at

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Citation: Ritendra Datta and James Z. Wang, ``ACQUINE: Aesthetic Quality Inference Engine - Real-time Automatic Rating of Photo Aesthetics,'' Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval, pp. 421-424, Philadelphia, PA, 2010.

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