Computerized Analysis of Paintings

James Z. Wang, Baris Kandemir, Jia Li
The Pennsylvania State University, USA

As hundreds of thousands of paintings, including many of the most significant historical works, have been digitized in high resolution and made available to the public, scientists have started to utilize some of the latest image analysis and artificial intelligence tools to study these paintings. Such computerized analyses can provide valuable insights to art historians regarding attribution, dating, cataloging, and comparative analysis, and recent advancements in computerized analysis of artistic paintings have branched out to employ novel approaches and to do so for various purposes. For example, computerized analysis based on statistical learning and modeling has the potential to predict emotions evoked from visual arts. In a similar vein, interest in art may be increased by automated personalization of art experiences in museums and on the Web. Moreover, the analysis of a large volume of historical paintings may shed light on important topics such as aesthetics, composition, and emotions. Finally, we present our vision for the future of the field, including the anticipated impact of painting analysis to the development of artificial intelligence.

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Citation: James Z. Wang, Baris Kandemir and Jia Li, ``Computerized Analysis of Paintings,'' The Routledge Companion to Digital Humanities and Art History, Kathryn Brown (editor), Routledge, Chapter 22, pp. 299-312, 2020.

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