19111 i love you 11889 stand your ground 11720 rolling in the deep 7632 meet the press 6572 made in germany 5289 i have a dream 4751 bild am sonntag 4738 act of valor 4658 dancing with the stars 4350 21 jump street 4347 this means war 4346 born to die 4226 cbs this morning 4066 alice in wonderland 3944 we the people 3821 yes we can 3396 good morning america 3038 made in china 2921 on the road 2906 pretty little liars 2852 up all night 2705 what is it 2481 over the top 2424 once upon a time 2221 what are you doing 1898 all of the above 1877 what makes you beautiful 1856 made in usa 1838 sons of anarchy 1732 are you okay 1730 war on terror 1716 are you sure 1642 friends of syria 1637 wrath of the titans 1631 in god we trust 1568 america's got talent 1541 jimmy kimmel live 1533 i love it 1485 the voice of germany 1476 in the know 1442 face the nation 1420 the x factor 1419 friends with kids 1415 war on drugs 1398 gone with the wind 1338 saturday night live 1311 the vampire diaries 1239 the good wife 1180 this american life 1173 of course not 1149 we are young 1059 on the fly 1057 the ultimate fighter 1054 made in italy 1047 the incredible hulk 1005 where am i 958 things fall apart 910 clash of the titans 883 we found love 871 let it be 839 i am trayvon 814 call me maybe 808 foggy mountain breakdown 770 who are you 745 don't you wanna stay 703 fight or flight 678 path to prosperity 642 red solo cup 637 four the record 616 i have no idea 596 what was that 583 smoked by windows phone 574 does not anticipate 564 the big miss 550 britain's got talent 548 does not expect 539 moves like jagger 535 we're due and excited 528 i hate you 518 born to run 510 state of the union 503 less is more 502 the great gatsby 497 profit from the pros 495 fast and furious 494 since the beginning 473 up to no good 472 i told you so 454 this is it 451 bring it on 405 all in one 405 midnight in paris 399 not at all 396 die frau in schwarz 389 separate but equal 385 run as administrator 378 the raid: redemption 377 welt am sonntag 375 pot of gold 370 safe & sound 363 spiritual but not religious 361 no justice, no peace 351 beauty and the beast 347 heart of darkness 335 race to the bottom 332 are you serious 329 what do you think 328 my week with marilyn 325 miami, my amy 325 olympics of art 325 the mother of miami 325 beta? world city 324 the colbert report 321 whole lotta love 313 the carrie diaries 307 viewpoint with eliot spitzer 305 east meets west 301 girls around me 300 girls gone wild