# # Frequency of Cluster 3249169 Over Time: put heavy pressure on him because everyone felt like he was their best friend. with great grace, he handled the constant barrage of people wanting to talk to andy taylor (Thu Aug 23 00:02:08 2012) # set title "Frequency of Cluster 3249169 Over Time: put heavy pressure on him because everyone felt like he was their best friend. with great grace, he handled the constant barrage of people wanting to talk to andy taylor" set key bottom right set autoscale set grid set xlabel "Hour Offset From Present Time" set ylabel "Frequency of Cluster" set ticscale 2 1 set xtics 24 set terminal png small size 1000,800 set terminal png small size 1000,800 set output '../../public_html/curis/output/clustering/2012-08-22_14:25:18/cluster_2012-07-04/12.png' plot "../../public_html/curis/output/clustering/2012-08-22_14:25:18/cluster_2012-07-04/12.tab" using 1:2 title "Frequency" with linespoints ,\ "../../public_html/curis/output/clustering/2012-08-22_14:25:18/cluster_2012-07-04/12.tab" using 3:4 title "Peaks" with points