# # Frequency of Cluster 1825049 Over Time: the secret service takes all allegations of misconduct seriously. this entire matter has been turned over to our office of professional responsibility, which serves as the agency's internal affairs component (Wed Aug 22 19:43:31 2012) # set title "Frequency of Cluster 1825049 Over Time: the secret service takes all allegations of misconduct seriously. this entire matter has been turned over to our office of professional responsibility, which serves as the agency's internal affairs component" set key bottom right set autoscale set grid set xlabel "Hour Offset From Present Time" set ylabel "Frequency of Cluster" set ticscale 2 1 set xtics 24 set terminal png small size 1000,800 set terminal png small size 1000,800 set output '../../public_html/curis/output/clustering/2012-08-22_14:25:18/cluster_2012-04-15/8.png' plot "../../public_html/curis/output/clustering/2012-08-22_14:25:18/cluster_2012-04-15/8.tab" using 1:2 title "Frequency" with linespoints ,\ "../../public_html/curis/output/clustering/2012-08-22_14:25:18/cluster_2012-04-15/8.tab" using 3:4 title "Peaks" with points