Functionality of the Client Support Library - libtmcsl.a v1.0

Created: 5/22/1995

"libtmcsl.a" contains functions that allows a Tsimmis client to communicate with a Tsimmis server. These functions basically simulates RPC calls by sending messages to the Tsimmis server to invoke one of the hook functions (see SSL.DOC on hook functions), then retrieves results using partial fetch protocol (see FETCH.PROTOCOL).

The set of functions provided in "libtmcsl.a" matches one to one with 5 hook functions defined in "libtmssl.a". "libtmcsl.a" is a client to "libtmcomm.a". It is possible for user not to use "libtmcsl.a". In that case, the user can make "libtmcomm.a" network calls directly to communicate with a Tsimmis server following the partial fetch protocol.

                                 |                   ^
          ||                     |                   |            |
          ||  "libtmcomm.a"      |                   |            |
          ||                TM_RecvData()     TM_SendData()       |
          ||                     |                   |            |
          ||                     |                   |            |
          ||                     V                                |
          ||                                                      |
          ||              tmInit(), tmShutdown(),                 |
          ||        tmQuery(), tmFetchRef(), tmFetchObj()         |
          ||                                                      |
          ||                                        "libtmcsl.a"  |
          ||                                                      |

        Figure 1, Interaction Between "libtmcsl.a" and "libtmcomm.a"


To access the 5 functions defined in "libtmcsl.a", the following
header file should be included:

       tmcsl.h	     -- contains declaration for "libtmcsl.a" functions

* Including "tmcsl.h" automatically includes "tmconnend.h" and


## List of functions available in "tmcsl.h" ##

	TM_Init		       - inits the server
	TM_Shutdown	       - shuts down the server
	TM_Query	       - sends a query to server
	TM_FetchObj	       - fetches result object
	TM_FetchRef	       - fetches result reference
	TM_ConnectToServer     - makes a TCP stream connection to server

## More detailed explaination ##


TM_Error TM_Init(TM_ConnEnd *conn, TM_Data *options, uint32 *trigger)

  Sends a init comand to the server to execute the hook 'tmInit' with
  option parameters in 'options'.  'conn' is the TM_ConnEnd that is
  connection with the server.  'trigger' is not used right now because
  this function executes synchronously.
 	TM_NO_ERROR		- no error
        TM_INIT_FAILED		- server failed to initialiaze
	TM_ERR_MEMORY           - memory problem
 	TM_ERR_CONNEND  	- bad TM_ConnEnd
 	TM_ERR_SEND		- error during send
	TM_ERR_RECV		- error during receive

TM_Error TM_Shutdown(TM_ConnEnd *conn, TM_Data *options, uint32 *trigger)

  Sends a shutdown comand to the server to execute the hook
  'tmShutdown' with option parameters in 'options'.  'conn' is the
  TM_ConnEnd that is connection with the server.  'trigger' is not
  used right now because this function executes synchronously.
 	TM_NO_ERROR		- no error
	TM_ERR_MEMORY           - memory problem
 	TM_ERR_CONNEND  	- bad TM_ConnEnd
 	TM_ERR_SEND		- error during send
	TM_ERR_RECV		- error during receive

TM_Error TM_Query(TM_ConnEnd *conn, char *query, uint32 *trigger)

  Sends a query  comand to the server to execute the hook 'tmQuery'.
  'query' contains the query string to be executed by the server.
  'conn' is the TM_ConnEnd that is connection with the server.
  'trigger' is not used right now because this function executes
 	TM_NO_ERROR		- no error
	TM_QUERY_FAILED		- query failed on server
	TM_ERR_MEMORY           - memory problem
 	TM_ERR_CONNEND  	- bad TM_ConnEnd
 	TM_ERR_SEND		- error during send
	TM_ERR_RECV		- error during receive

TM_Error TM_FetchObj(TM_ConnEnd      *conn,
		     uint32          fetchType,
		     TM_Data         *objRef,
		     TM_Object       **result,
		     uint32	     *trigger)

  Fetches objects that are the results of the latest 'TM_Query()' call
  to the server.  'fetchType' indicates how many objects to fetch.
  Currently, 'fetchType' can be:

	     TM_FETCH_ALL      	- fetch all objects
	     TM_FETCH_ONE	- fetch only one object
	     TM_FETCH_CHILDREN	- fetch one object and its 1st level child

  'objRef' points to an object reference that references the object or
  root of objects being fetched.  If 'objRef' is NULL, it refers (by
  default) to the top most level object in the result.

  'result' points to a TM_Object pointer in which object returned by
  the server will be placed.  This function dynamically allocates
  TM_Object's as return values.  After user finishes using objects
  returned in 'result', user should deallocate the object by call to
  "TM_FreeObject()" or "TM_FreeAllObject()".

  'conn' is the TM_ConnEnd that is connection with the server.
  'trigger' is not used right now because this function executes

 	TM_NO_ERROR		- no error
	TM_FETCH_FAILED		- unable to fetch result at server
	TM_INVALID_REFERENCE	- object reference is invalid
	TM_NULL_RESULT		- server returns NULL result
	TM_NO_SUPPORT		- fetch mode not supported by server
	TM_ERR_MEMORY           - memory problem
 	TM_ERR_CONNEND  	- bad TM_ConnEnd
 	TM_ERR_SEND		- error during send
	TM_ERR_RECV		- error during receive

TM_Error TM_FetchRef(TM_ConnEnd      *conn,
		     uint32          fetchType,
		     TM_Data         *objRef,
		     TM_Object       **result,
		     uint32	     *trigger)

  Fetches object references that reference result objects of the
  latest 'TM_Query()' call to the server.  'fetchType' indicates how
  many objects to fetch.   Currently, 'fetchType' can be:

	     TM_FETCH_ALL      	- fetch all objects
	     TM_FETCH_ONE	- fetch only one object
	     TM_FETCH_CHILDREN	- fetch one object and its 1st level child

  'objRef' points to an object reference that references the object or
  root of objects whose object reference is being fetched.  If
  'objRef' is NULL, it refers (by default) to the top most level
  object in the result.
  'result' points to a TM_Object pointer in which object references
  returned by the server will be placed.  This function dynamically
  allocates TM_Object's as return values.  After user finishes using
  objects returned in 'result', user should deallocate the object by
  call to "TM_FreeObject()" or "TM_FreeAllObject()".

  'conn' is the TM_ConnEnd that is connection with the server.
  'trigger' is not used right now because this function executes

 	TM_NO_ERROR		- no error
	TM_FETCH_FAILED		- unable to fetch result at server
	TM_INVALID_REFERENCE	- object reference is invalid
	TM_NULL_RESULT		- server returns NULL result
	TM_NO_SUPPORT		- fetch mode not supported by server
	TM_ERR_MEMORY           - memory problem
 	TM_ERR_CONNEND  	- bad TM_ConnEnd
 	TM_ERR_SEND		- error during send
	TM_ERR_RECV		- error during receive

int TM_ConnectToServer(char *hostName, int portNumber)

  Makes a TCP stream connection with a Tsimmis server.  'hostName' is
  the Internet name of the machine on which the server runs.
  'portNumber' is the port number on which the server accepts connection.

  This function does not correspond to any function on the server
  side.  This function is provided as a convinence so that you do not
  have to write any low level network code.  You can just call this
  function to establish a connection with the server.  Then creates a
  TM_ConnEnd using the returned socket number.  Then you can call any
  one of the above 5 functions using the TM_ConnEnd.

  For example:

      	int          sock;
	TM_ConnEnd  *conn;
      	sock = TM_ConnecToServer("", 6666);
	if (sock < 0) {
	  printf("unable to connnect to server\n");
	} else {
	  conn = TM_CreateConnEnd(sock);

	/* do client specific stuff */
	TM_Init(conn, NULL);
	/* client is done */

  	<0		- unable to connect to server
	>=0		- socket number of a connection with server
