Mediation to Implement Feedback in Training

Maluf, David A., Gio Wiederhold, Ted Linden, and Priya Panchapagesan

CrossTalk: Journal of Defense Software Engineering, Software Technology Support Center, Department of Defense, August 1997. full paper pointer.

The problem addressed by Mediation to Implement Feedback in Training (MIFT) is to customize the feedback from training exercises by exploiting knowledge about the training scenario, training objectives, and specific student/teacher needs. We achieve this by inserting an intelligent mediation layer into the information flow from observations collected during training exercises to the display and user interface. Knowledge about training objectives, scenarios, and tasks is maintained in the mediating layer. A designer constraint is that domain experts must be able to extend mediators by adding domain-specific knowledge that supports additional aggregations, abstractions, and views of the results of training exercises.