The math megamodule is a CORBA server that provides the following services: SETUP: Input is a string that contains the desired precision and format, outputs are the precision and format set by the service (the output is not really relevant). The service does not create any objects because the object MServer which offers these services is already created when the math megamodule server is started and registered at the ORB. INVOKE: Input is a string that contains the desired operation and two doubles containing the numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Output is again the desired operation (not really needed). EXTRACT: Input is a string (not used by the service), output is the result of the operation performed in the INVOKE service. TERMINATE: Input and output are strings that are not relevant. The object MServer is not deleted by this service, it gets deleted when the server terminates. In contrast to the CHAIMS-syntax, neither the SETUP nor the INVOKE command return any handles. Therefore the math megamodule is not reentrant (no invocation handle), i.e. after the INVOKE command the result must first be read by the EXTRACT command before any further INVOKEs are called. We can distinguish between files on the client side, files on the server side and CORBA-specific files. client side: server side:,, MM.h, MM_i.h, CORBA-specific files: MM.idl, MM.hh,, The file MM.idl contains the interface definition of the math megamodule in IDL (math megamodule is abreviated by MM). The files MM.hh,, are generated by the IDL-compiler of CORBA, the compiler takes the file MM.idl as input. All the other files are coded by the programmer. The names of the two files MM_i.h, are given by CORBA, the names for the files,,, MM.h are chosen by the programmer. The file MM.hh has no direct relation to the files MM.h and MM.h and contain the effective math megamodule. MM_i.h and contain a wrapper that wraps the effective math megamodule into the form required by the ORB. and each contain a main for starting the CORBA-server and CORBA-client. Relationships between the files: For diagrams explaining the relationships between files have a look at The file MM.hh contains the abstract class MMBOAImpl (created by the IDL-compiler). This class declares the C++ mapping of all the services defined in the file MM.idl. The arguments are either native C++ types (e.g. char) or CORBA-types (e.g. CORBA::double). The file MM_i.h defines the class MM_i, a subclass of MMBOAImpl. MM_i implements the abstract services of MMBOAImpl. Yet MM_i is only a wrapper. It creates an object of type MServer (defined in file MM.h) and dispatches all function calls to the functions of MServer. When dispatching, MM_i also performs the data-conversion from CORBA-types to native C++ types (e.g. from CORBA::double to double), because the class MServer is independent of CORBA and does not offer any CORBA-types in its interface. The file MM.h defines the class MServer. MServer provides the services of the math megamodule and is thus the core of the math megamodule. MServer could be used independant of the other files. The file contains a main. The main uses the services provided by the math megamodule. The syntax is the one given by the class MMBOAImpl in file MM.hh. Before using the services, the main asks the ORB for the object-handle of the math megamodule (function MM::_bind, MM is also provided by MM.hh). The file contains a main that creates the wrapper object MM_i and registers it at the ORB (function CORBA::Orbix.impl_is_ready("MM")). Interactions: For diagrams showing the interactions between the various objects, have a look at file