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Composition is automated by using the protocol CPAM on top of several distribution systems by hiding protocol details in CLAM, and by providing a compiler for CLAM. \'    0! ,  Megamodules - Definition}from different providers: several services from different providers available for similar tasks autonomous: maintenance of megamodule and control over resources remains with provider heterogeneous: accessible by various distribution protocols like RMI, DCE, CORBA distributed: to be used by more than one client large: computation intensive, data intensive, ongoing processes }G L D % ;|  Examples of Megamodules General I/O-megamodule 6{ Process - Providing Megamodules !   |Process - Composing Megamodules   }Process - Running a Megaprogram   Process - Summary CHAIMS - Special FeaturesCHAIMS supports megamodule heterogeneity: The CHAIMS compiler ensures that clients support the various megamodule distribution systems The CHAIMS data encoding-rules facilitates heterogeneous data transmission between megamodules CHAIMS preserves megamodule autonomy: The CHAIMS repository contains the information necessary to access megamodules Run-time cost estimation allows to leave control over resources to providers CHAIMS enables optimized composition: Parallelism, invocation monitoring, and cost estimation allow clients to optimize the invocation sequence to megamodules Global pre-setting of parameters and partial extraction of results allow minimized data flow between megamodules  * " & 2 " & 2 "  I A ;E   B!/lf i  N  f  Primitives in CHAIMS  CHAIMS proves that ... We can do composition in a high-level language and hide technical details Large-scale composition can be automated Run-time cost estimation is essential for invocation scheduling optimization. 66M,QFocus for Futurej Applying CHAIMS to a larger real-life example. Automated scheduling of invocations and extractions, automatic optimization of dataflows. Automatic generation of direct dataflows between megamodules. Flexible interaction with megamodules; extracting and handling overview results. Enhancing CHAIMS language CLAM and complementing it by graphical front-end.PPPP^vP !   z  /TPb  ` ̙33` 3` 3333f` 999MMM` f` f3` 3>?" dZ@$z? " dZ@  @" `  n?" dZ(B !!AAaaPR    @ ` ` p>> N0 # {(     `gֳgֳ ?PP v ?*    `gֳgֳ ?N  v A*    `gֳgֳ ?N  v A*   Ztgֳgֳ ? v ? 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B2  3  G B2  3 S  B2  3   H2  C f4 : ^  Tdgֳgֳ ?P0P ,$D 0  Stanford University J 3``8Xx   Tgֳgֳ ?,$D 0 N Objective: Investigate new approaches to large-scale software composition. Approach: Develop and validate a composition-only language, a protocol for large, distributed, heterogeneous and autonomous megamodules, and a supporting system.n < 3 3 ! J  ``8Xx H  0޽h ? a( @  8( w   6?``,$ 0  6?`,$ 0R  <G/*338c?H ,$D 0R @ BG/*8c?a  ,$D  0  6̙8c?!  ,$D  0"   `䵲gֳgֳG!8c?P  p ,$ 0 A C o d i n g  "   `gֳgֳG!8c?`[,$ 0 KI n t e g r a t i o n   T$gֳgֳ? 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B% ,    # l vgֳgֳ ?` `<$  0 v   Tdvgֳgֳ ? ,$D  0  Travel information: Computing all possible routes between two cities Computing the air and ground cost for each route given data about the goods to be transported 6  T$vgֳgֳ ?  ,$D  0 ` Calculating optimal routes Two megamodules from different suppliers offering similar services @CC$! 3H  0޽h ? a(* U X*P*8L0   )( w l   L ,$D 0?t   G ,$D 0B B H1? R F J ,$ 0r  BG1? V ,$ 0  Z#vgֳgֳ? ( > ,$ 0 1er  BG)1? V ,$ 0B  H1?p p ,$ 0 K  `"v8c?fU   DRM I$ l Yf  HYf ,$D  0B > B1?,$ 0  BGԔ? ` pf ,$ 0  ZD&vgֳgֳ? P J ,$ 0 LCHAIMS RepositoryB B N1?  ,$ 0   ZD#vgֳgֳ? Y ,$ 0 Fadd information toB - H1?  ,$ 0B ? B1?P ,$ 0rl @F   DF @ ,$D  0r   BG1? @ ,$ 0   Z$"vgֳgֳ?    ,$ 0 1br  BGy1?   ,$ 0B B H1? F  ,$ 0 6  fv8c?   I CORBA &   # l!vgֳgֳ ?  v l  A,$D  0r  BG(1? f ,$ 08  T!vgֳgֳ? ,$ 0 x writes CPAM compliant megamodule!! B ! H1? 6f ,$ 0B "B B1? 6,$ 0  TvgֳgֳPP?   ,$ 0 1d.l n  7t ,$D 0"  <G1?,$ 0   ZDvgֳgֳ?n ,$ 0 D MEGA Modules ]l p@R @p@R,$D 0 ; NA ?? 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